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Rewind....a true GEM


Leaves are changing and fall is here which sets the perfect stage for a new blog.

Lately, I have been contemplating what to write that would be interesting for my readers/followers especially during this pandemic with no end in sight. It has felt so good being able to get dressed for the odd night out on a socially distanced patio or seeing friends in our bubble at our houses. I can officially say that I am tired of workout clothes and track pants.

While having lunch on a patio with a good friend, we were discussing fall trends and buying new vs used clothing. As many industries are changing in this new world, the fashion industry has had many changes as well. Only time will tell if it’s for the better but it appears to be so far. More and more people are shopping gently used clothes. Buyer beware, there are some amazing finds! Just to put this topic into perspective, the second hand economy in Canada is worth approximately

$28 billion. That is a huge number and it has been on a steady incline.

I was recently introduced to Rewind (, a vintage / designer couture resale store on Mt Pleasant here in Toronto. “OMG”, it is a true gem. I reached out to the owner, Dawn Librach to sell some of my items that I simply won’t wear anymore. When I arrived, I actually had to stand back to take in the store for moment. It only took a couple minutes before light bulbs started to go off in my mind. Incredible pieces, incredible prices and incredible service while being socially responsible. So here I am, writing to introduce this place to those of you who aren’t aware of it. As Dawn looked through my items, I was thrilled to have the time exploring her shop. To my surprise I had no trouble at all finding so many incredible things. The entire store was organized by colour and style which was very easy for the eye.

Rewind opened over 6 years ago and has a unique format. Dawn will buy your items outright (primarily contemporary designers) and for high end couture pieces (primarily handbags and jewelry), these are on consignment. Brands from Acne, Celine, Chanel, Frame, Stella McCartney, Anine Bing, Sentaler....the list is endless. All items are definitely priced to move. I must confess that I picked up a brand new CELINE skirt (tags still attached) for $225. Yes, we are still in Covid, but I am going to wear this skirt with runners and a leather jacket into the fall. IG people....make sure you follow Rewind ( You will see firsthand the amazing items that are posted regularly, but often sell out within minutes. If only I could be one of the lucky people who instantly sees the posts and able to snag a fantastic find!

Rewind is a MUST destination and definitely worth the visit. Strict Covid rules are also in place which makes it all stress free and safe.

Starting in the next couple of weeks, I will be posting my weekly deals, best pieces etc...the must have items.



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